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Our Work
We provide education, nutrition, child protection and humanitarian aid to widows and children that truly need help


We believe that everyone alive is important and we are all connected. Our hearts stretch out in compassion for everyone, especially, children and widows who are suffering. We exist to promote human rights and other purposes beneficial to humanity.
Compassion is the ingredient that moves us to action. Compassion means “to suffer with” and according to Mother Teresa, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples”. DMOCF believes “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries, without them, humanity cannot survive” – Dalai Lama. We want our kindness to inspire other people to create a ripple effect that spreads outward.
Remember, your “kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal”
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Divine Mother of children foundation is 7 today
We have made leaps and bounds of progress since we started 7 years ago. In the past 7 years. DMOCF volunteers, board of directors, and partners have witnessed ups and downs, celebrations and disagreements, and both joy and struggle. Many of these memories were not memorialized in history books, but these moments have built resilience. That’s why we continue to ground our charity model on supporting the people we help and their satisfaction is our success story and joy. Today, we also celebrate our volunteers and the people we have helped over the years
To mark this great milestone, DMOCF volunteers donated food items to the widows of a local church in Uruan, Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria on 1/08/2023 . We thank the priest of Nung Ikono Ufok for welcoming our team to the parish. We owe all thanks and glory to God for His guidance and protection as we mark our 7th anniversary today.

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